The Rabbit Not Chased (And Other Tales Of Woe)

Typhoon loves the study because of the windows overlooking the front yard, but Hu-Dad’s rules created the rabbit not chased (and a big pout).

Ooooh - Bunnies in the front yard.

Ooooh – Bunnies in the front yard.

Typhoon spends much of his day hanging out in the study with Hu-Dad, though Hu-Dad suspects the real attraction is the windows. The study juts out from the front of the house and has windows on three sides, a perfect viewing point to watch wildlife in the front yard.

Sibe Quentin is based in the backyard, which means the front yard is off-limits for Siberian games. Something about the lack of fencing.

And that led to the rabbit that Typhoon spotted. And, more importantly, the rabbit not chased. The Little Prince was quite miffed that Hu-Dad would not let the chase happen. The reaction was as you expected.

No, I am not talking to you.

No, I am not talking to you.

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  1. Lori on March 25, 2017 at 7:26 am

    Aw Typhoon… I bet those bunnies will find the back yard and a great game of chase will ensue ????❤

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Helene (To The Tune of Jolene by Dolly Parton

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