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After a morning of medical tests, the Little Prince said the best relaxation technique was a Film Friday wrestling match – Typhoon Phooey versus Cheesewhiz.
Typhoon started his morning riding with Hu-Dad to drop the Jeep at the Jeep Veterinarian. The staff invited them to hang out in the waiting area while waiting on their ride, so Typhoon spent the time greeting other guests.
We then traveled to the real veterinarian’s office so Typhoon could have an ultrasound and some x-ray’s. We hope that we will get some clues from those pictures about Typhoon’s appetite.
With all of that fun, Typhoon was ready to get home and happily greeted his brothers and sisters. And then he decided the best way to relax would be to have a massive wrestling match with his best partner, Cheoah. And so that brings us to this week’s Film Friday – Typhoon Phooey versus Cheesewhiz!
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Wings of Doom
December 12, 2024
A simple nightly routine with my dogs led me to face the wings of doom, a hideous creature that lurks in the shadows of my yard.
His muzzle sure looks better.
Good match you two! I truly hope you get some answers from the belly tests ❤????