Qannik’s Braking System Failure

Hu-Dad was having a quiet conversation with Kiska when he heard the approaching threat and predicted the braking system failure.

This story is about me, isn't it?

This story is about me, isn’t it?

Yes, Q, this one is dedicated to His Fluffiness. Hu-Dad was leaning over having a simple chat and ear scratch session with Miss Kiska when Q spotted them from deep in the yard. Q runs a little like a locomotive, ever so slowly gathering speed. Likewise, braking takes just as long as a giant freight train. All Hu-Dad heard was the clatter of paws as Q entered the deck at full Q speed (which is not exactly the speed of light). The scratching and clawing of paws started immediately as Q did his best to stop, but he simply could not do so in time and collided with the back of Hu-Dad’s legs.

Oops - braking system failure


We would love to say this is the only time this has ever happened, but the reality is that it happens a lot. We do love Q’s exuberance!

Fancy running into you, Hu-Dad.

Fancy running into you, Hu-Dad.



  1. Lisa Jopling on November 16, 2016 at 9:59 am

    My flat coated retriever, Haven, does this all the time. He sprints and slams into me…God forbid he misses an ear scratch or cuddle! If another fur baby is enjoying cuddles, by all means he should too, even if he body slams his mamma! I love the exuberance! So much love!

  2. KJ Pierson on November 16, 2016 at 9:33 am

    Ear rubs are a communal property. You have 2 hands…SHARE HUMAN!

  3. Lori on November 16, 2016 at 7:27 am

    Must. Have. Ear. Rubs!!!!

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