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With a warm and dry November, our first snowfall of the year has been delayed. We have had to make do with playing in drifts of leaves.
Our giant Tree of Life has shed all of its leaves, so our yard is currently buried in leaves. You can see Landon and Typhoon are nearly knee deep in the leaves.
Landon loves the Tree Fort more than the picnic table. He can hang out and survey the field from the vantage point. His back is to Typhoon, but surely Typhoon is not planning a sneak attack on his new brother.
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Wings of Doom
December 12, 2024
A simple nightly routine with my dogs led me to face the wings of doom, a hideous creature that lurks in the shadows of my yard.
Landon’s picture seems to be missing from the Cast of Characters secrion at bottom of the page. Don’t think Landon would not approve missing his screen credits.
It’s coming. One of the most painful thing for Hu-Dad is to update the Cast of Characters because he has to move Natasha’s picture. One of those “working up to it” things.
I can empathize with you there, hu-Dad, because I still have pictures of both Ice and Ayla in various places, and can’t bear to take them down yet, either!
Considering the cat and squirrels in our yard cannot sneak up to us in the barrage of oak leaves covering our yard, I’m betting Typhoon was heard before seen!! You take such really good pics of your four footed family, and create such great stories around them!!
At Typhoon’s speed, that is sort of like hearing a fighter jet coming at you. Yes, you hear it, but you are desperately trying to find it while knowing it is coming in really fast and really low.
Nothing like a good Sibe wrestling match in a yard full of leaves!