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With the addition of Landon to The Herd, Cheoah laments the trouble of having three brothers constantly wanting her attention.
Qannik spends his time with Kiska, but the other boys, Frankie and Typhoon, have always hung out with Cheoah all day. With Landon joining the Junior Team, Cheoah now has a third brother sharing her porch. While it might seem nice to be surrounded by brothers, there is a downside.
So what is one more brother? How much more difficult can life possibly be?
Ok, yeah, that might be slightly annoying.
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Wings of Doom
December 12, 2024
A simple nightly routine with my dogs led me to face the wings of doom, a hideous creature that lurks in the shadows of my yard.
Mom sez: Maybe once the novelty of HAVING such a crew of brothers and sisters to hang out with wears off, Landon won’t be such a “pain”, he’ll get used to them being there all the time. It’s like he is trying TOO hard to be accepted, maybe?
You are spot on. Landon speaks “dog” very well and understands the subtle cues that his new siblings send him, but he is also trying very, very hard to fit in. He is doing well, but he does his best when he just relaxes and has fun. He will get it.
Awwww! Landon wants to hang out with his big sis!!!!
The little brother lament. Landon is pretty cute!