Demerits For The Hu-Dad Yesterday

Chief of Security Kiska and Queen Natasha run a tight ship around Chez Herd. so it was surprising when Hu-Dad earned demerits yesterday.

Get a move on, Hu-Dad. No more demerits

Get a move on, Hu-Dad

So why did he fail to entertain us properly, get our meals served on time, and otherwise attend to our every need? He claimed to be sick. We told him just to go out into the yard and eat some grass, but he decided to reject our medical expertise. It certainly works for us.

Instead, yesterday, we hung around with him in his bed, trampled him at appropriate times, and served as obstacles during his sometimes quick trips to the bathroom.

He seemed to be better last night, so we expect him back to full strength tomorrow.

Sigh. Not as fun without harassing the Hu-Dad.

Sigh. Not as fun without harassing the Hu-Dad.

UPDATE – We are happy to report that the Hu-Dad is up and moving this morning.


  1. Mom, Ebby 'n Ice on August 12, 2016 at 2:30 am

    Ice’n Ebby both say: Well, the eating grass thing works for us, how do you know it wouldn’t work for you, hu-Dad, unless you try it for yourself. However, we’re so glad you had the Herd there to help you get better in such a hurry! (And we’re sure they WERE a big help in getting you back on your feet again!)

  2. rottrover on August 11, 2016 at 9:31 pm

    Oh GAWD!! Those times when THEY put their physical comfort before OURS!! The worst days EVER!


  3. Pat and Rebel on August 11, 2016 at 1:21 pm

    Nice going Herd, you took such great care of Hu-Dad yesterday (despite him not heeding your eat grass suggestion) that he is feeling better today.
    Hope you are feeling better H u-Dad.

  4. Juno's mom on August 11, 2016 at 8:45 am

    The grass suggestion was pretty cute. A good laugh to start the day. They do know when we’re down and are so supportive. Glad you’re better.

  5. Lori on August 11, 2016 at 7:19 am

    So glad you’re feeling better today hudad! The “eat grass” suggestion was a good one! I love how the Herd is always looking for ways to help you! Lol

  6. Susan McManus on August 11, 2016 at 6:48 am

    Maybe it was their way of nursing you? Glad that you are feeling better. Love the pictures!

  7. vincent porrazzo on August 11, 2016 at 5:23 am

    I am sure they mean well Hu-Dad, It’s the husky way

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