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A large family can be great with lots of brothers and sisters. Today, however, we focus Film Friday on the trouble with siblings.
Ok, sure, Typhoon might be a part of today’s video, but he is not alone. In the Chez Herd household, trouble comes in many forms. In fact, a Herd of us can be quite the handful.
Since our photos on Film Friday are screen captures from the video, you are now wondering about a sitting Typhoon and a flying Frankie. And, yes, the Seniors are in the film as well. No more introduction is needed, so we present this week’s Film Friday – The Trouble With Siblings.
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Hurricane Hugo Memories
September 21, 2024
Thirty-five years ago, a massive storm hammered our region and left a path of destruction, leaving us with Hurricane Hugo memories.
Mom sez: Poor Cheoah, it just ain’t fair, two brothers against one sister. Though she DOES look like she pretty well holds her own. The Seniours, well, nobody’s going to mess with ‘Tasha to any extent, and their “murmers” are nothing like the “Junior Rumbles”!
Ty’s endless energy. .. Now .. is Kiska telling you that some of that underfluff needs to be removed by trying to pull it out by rubbing on the railing? 🙂
The rubbing on the railing is a common tactic of the Chief of Security – spreading her scent to let other creatures know she claims the porch for The Herd.
The collies loved your video, and agree, siblings can be trouble!
I just love Qannik’s songs!!! Poor Cheoah!!! Doesn’t catch a break! But she sure does hold her own! Girl power sweetie pie!!!