Greet Monday With Enthusiasm

Yes, we know, it is Monday. The start of the week. But Typhoon has a very simple message for you – Greet Monday with enthusiasm.

Just be happy!

Just be happy!

We can hear your objections now. Why should you listen to a dog who doesn’t have to deal with a commute in heavy traffic, obnoxious co-workers, demanding bosses, or busy work? Ok, you might even have a point. But even that doesn’t dampen the Munchkin’s incorrigible spirit.

Just zoomie around the office.

Just zoomie around the office.

His message is just simple and infectious – have fun no matter what. Sounds like a pretty good thought to have at the beginning of the week.

No, I never walk anywhere.

No, I never walk anywhere.

For those of you who are interested, the Hu-Dad created a video from this weekend’s Sarge’s Animal Rescue Foundation Downtown Dog Walk. The video is below, but we also suggest you pop over to Hu-Dad’s photography website where you can see the video and some photographs from the weekend.


  1. Susan McManus on August 8, 2016 at 8:28 am

    I love Typhoon’s enthusiasm! He is adorable…but you already know that of course.

  2. Lori on August 8, 2016 at 7:45 am

    Yes, Typhoon, I wondered if you ever “walked” anywhere! Thank you for the lesson in loving life little fella! Great wisdom! And I love the video from Sarge’s walk!!! What a wonderful day for all involved!!! Happy Monday Thundering Herd ❤️

  3. Padma on August 8, 2016 at 7:09 am

    Thank you for giving me a smile to start my week.

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