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Qannik’s philosophy in life is really simple – do not work too hard. If you ever do, you have raised expectations for the next time. And Q-Tip is a master at managing expectations.
As Chief of Security, Kiska rallies the troops to respond to various dangers around Chez Herd. At her first alarm, every pup races to the fenceline to present a unified show of force. A furry contingent of wooing Siberian Huskies sends most any creature crashing away from the house and into the woods. Even Queen Natasha responds if the threat requires it, such as our bigger neighbors like coyote and bear.
One giant cotton ball, however, always seems to be the last one to respond, assuming he reacts at all. Despite years of coaching, he just doesn’t see security as a part of his job description. Often, the threat has passed and the security force is breaking up upon Qannik’s arrival. And that happens when he actually leaves the porch rather than just lazily sitting up and watching the action.
Of course, that raises a very critical question. Exactly what is Q-Tip’s job in The Herd?
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Wings of Doom
December 12, 2024
A simple nightly routine with my dogs led me to face the wings of doom, a hideous creature that lurks in the shadows of my yard.
He is doing an excellent job!
He not only looks cute, he is protected the rest of the herd from a sneak attack from behind them. He is the rear guard protecting his herd from the back. Smart Boy!
Every herd needs a diva! And Qannik makes the perfect one with that gorgeous face and those beautiful ice blue eyes!!!!!
Yup, he is qualified for the job of ‘cute’.
Mom sez: Well, if Qannik’s job in the Herd is to “look cute”, he is doing a wonderful job of it, and that’s all one can ask!