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We want to wish all the moms out there a very Happy Mother’s Day! To celebrate, we invited the hu-grandmom over for a steak dinner last night. For some odd reason, we were not allowed to actually help with grilling the steaks, but we did greet the hu-grandmom with our usual best behavior.
What do you mean? Yes, these are our usual best behaviors! Oh – and Happy Mother’s Day!
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Thanks to everyone for their input on the survey yesterday. We were aware that we were having issues with our website host and will share the data with them (and you via the website) early this week. We also learned that our daily email service had stopped working and we were totally unaware of that. We are working on that issue and have no idea if that is connected to our host issues. Thanks so much for letting us know about issues!
UPDATE 7:07 AM – We believe we have Feedburner (daily email service) fixed. The problem has nothing to do with our host, but was an issue between Google (who owns Feedburner) and our site conflicting with our security protocols. Finally was able to get the feed to resync. So, hopefully you will begin receiving a feed again in your mailboxes Monday morning.
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Wings of Doom
December 12, 2024
A simple nightly routine with my dogs led me to face the wings of doom, a hideous creature that lurks in the shadows of my yard.
I do want to let you know that pictures are stretched out. I am thankful to get the emails back. Hugs and kisses to the herd.
Thanks for the heads-up. On the pictures. We had failed to test a change we made yesterday on a mobile device and saw it the second you pointed it out. Fixed, tested, and appears to be working fine. Please let us know if you see a problem!
What a SPECIAL Mother’s Day dinner for the hu-grandmom! And honestly, Cheoah! That was SO incredibly thoughtful of you! I hope you got a great, great big hug!!!
I love your Herd stories! They. Are beautiful Sibes!!