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Happy New Year everyone! We spent midnight the way we do every year – sound asleep. Our humans are not the most party oriented people in the world, but that suits our sleeping schedule just fine.
Before we went to bed, however, we decided to present the 2013 Year in Review for our website (most of the data comes from Google Analytics):
- Total visits to the blog were up 18% over 2012.
- As of December 31, we have posted a total of 1,936 posts since we started this particular blog. And, yes, that means we will post number 2,000 sometime in March.
- We received 2,616 comments this year on our blog for a total of 27,547 total comments since its inception. Comments on the blog itself continue to shrink because so many people use other means to comment, primarily on our Facebook page. All part of the fun of the changing nature of the internet.
- Mobile computing continues to grow. In 2011, mobile devices accounted for 7.5% of our traffic. That grew to 21% in 2012 and 38% in 2013. We will have to continue to think about how we serve our mobile readers.
- Direct access (typing in the URL) is still the number one source of visitors, with Facebook number 2 and Google a distant 3rd. In fact, Facebook visitors grew by over 50% while Google visitors actually shrunk by 30%. Makes you really wonder who is going to drive internet traffic in just a couple of years.
- Our most popular new video (made in 2013) in terms of number of views was Typhoon Bed Time.
- And we can not explain this one at all, but the video with the most views in 2013 was actually made in 2012, and is a pretty mundane topic to us. Taste Test. We are guessing it was mentioned on someone else’s website, but we have never learned where.
- The most visited post of the year was our just recently posted Twas the Night Before Christmas – Herd Style.
- In a HUGE upset, the most popular individual dog’s page visited was – Typhoon. The Little Prince had better watch himself because Queen Natasha the Evil has held this title for years, but she fell to fourth most visited with Frankie in second and Cheoah in third. Something tells us this will not go over well with the Queen.
- The most popular story (that is the old post from our previous blog that are now shared as stories) of the year (as it has been for several years in a row) remains Frankencouch. The most amazing part is that the Frankencouch story was visited 22% more than last year. Yes, it is growing in popularity despite having been written in 2006.
Thank you, dear readers, for continuing to visit and share in our fun. We look forward to a wonderful and adventurous 2014 – and wish you all the best health and happiness.
And, most importantly, Happy New Year!
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Wings of Doom
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Happy New year to the herd! Keep up the great work, it brings a smile to so many…
Kiki and Nala
I love looking at the blog stats. We’ve had quite a few that have left us scratching our heads!
Monty and Harlow
Wishing the Herd and their humans whom they have trained so well a very Happy New Year! Can’t wait to see what the Herd will be up to in mischief for 2014!
Thanks from Scott, DJ, Cierra and Maggie
Good report, DK! We have switched Stella to Diamond’s Natural Grain-Free Whitefish and Sweet Potato. She loves it and we think if she could bring herself to stop stealing the cat’s food, she would even lose some weight.
I miss Rusty the Rooster and keep a picture of him on my desktop, doing his famous “strut”.
All best wishes to you for a wonderful 2014!
Jo, Stella and Zkhat
Happy, Happy, Happy New Year To The Herd and Their Humans <3 May you all be blessed with a Healthy, Happy, Prosperous, New Year 2014 !! Filled with Hope, Faith and Love and may all your Dreams Come True!
Harley, Molly, Gracie and our Fur Angels in Heaven Lilly, Max, Woody, Andrew, Nickki, Bobby Bear Jack, YaYa and Bear Doggie <3 and our Humom and Hudad Butch and Sandy !!
Have a Wonderful 2014~
Happy New Year to the herd and family. I hope you have a wonderful year this year. I know I can’t wait to see all the fun and trouble you get into. Hugs and kisses to the herd.