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P.S. – Happy Birthday, Hu-Grandmom!
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Wings of Doom
December 12, 2024
A simple nightly routine with my dogs led me to face the wings of doom, a hideous creature that lurks in the shadows of my yard.
Happy Birthday Hu-Grandmom! We wish her health, happiness, and love.
We have been debating the logistics of taking a macaw camping and the WDA is pretty certain such a bird would not be good on maneuvers. Kind of strange.
We also are not too sure about resting our floof in alligator country. Your vacation sounds kind of like a weird Survival Camp Adventure. We prefer brie at three…and pinot with dinner…and camping like they did in movies from the forties.
Wow, that is some cool wildlife.
Happy Birthday to the Grandmom. 🙂
There was another croc attack in Australia this week so we stay well clear of those things! Happy birthday hu-grandma.
Sounds like you had a very good plan to stay on the other side of the lake. Cool picture of all the turtles and the gator.
Our hu-mom says she has seen gators before, and that she even stuck her head in the mouth of one, though he was “stuffed”–whatever that means. They look scary to me, but I agree that the six of you could have taken them gators. But you woulda gave your hu-parents a heart attack, so it’s best you just stayed on your side of the lake.
Happy birthday to your hu-grandma!
~ Daisy
I think I’d be staying on the far side of the lake, too! And maybe about six feet from the water’s edge…
Happy Birthday, Hu-Grandma!
Yikes! We have never seen a gator, they look scary!!
Whoa! Scary! I hope the alligator is afraid of you. Surely the six of you could take him down.
Not sure we like your “wildlife” camp-mates. Well, the bird might be ok, and even the turtles, but me’n Ice aren’t much for the idea of camping with alligators.
We want to add our HAPPY BIRTHDAY wishes for the Hu-Grandmom, though. Hope she has a wonderful day, with lots of “Hu-Grandmom kinds of treats”.
WOW! Murray just loved your post this morning! Parrots, turtles and gators! He couldn’t believe it!
What an exciting place you are camping in!!
take care
Clive & Murray
ps-Happy Birthday wishes to Hu-Grandmom!
Great pictures of the gators! Although I find them kind of creepy myself! Happy Birthday to your Hu-Grandmom!!
I think I would not like to vacation where alligators were hanging out. It seems like they would very much like to EAT dogs, of any size at all. That Chicken Place you went to looked good though!