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Frankie’s brushing battle isn’t that he doesn’t like it. In fact, he loves it. He just has very specific requirements that must be followed.
We surprise no one when we say Frankie is a cuddler. He snuggles for hours and never wants it to end. And he loves being brushed, though he has a slight quirk. He wants his chest and belly brushed. Nowhere else. He doesn’t mind the rest, but he prefers—strongly—the chest and belly. Thus, brushing sessions always look like this as Hu-Dad attempts to negotiate. Yes, Frankie deployed the brown eyes AND the paw hooked behind the head. And, yes, he got more belly rubs.
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Wings of Doom
December 12, 2024
A simple nightly routine with my dogs led me to face the wings of doom, a hideous creature that lurks in the shadows of my yard.
Frankie’s just too sweet for words. Absolutely irresistible.
At least he doesn’t scream at the brush like some we know and love!!! Sorry Ty and Ruby.
I know I couldn’t resist those eyes and that paw Hu-Dad! So what happens when you TRY to brush the rest of him-lol??
Laughing. He rolls over on his back the second he sees the brush. Flipping him right side up is a virtual impossibility.