Frankie Investigates

Strange things happen in our yard, like Hu-Dad on the ground taking photos, so Frankie investigates to make sure everything is okay.

Why are you on the ground, Hu-Dad? - Frankie investigates
Why are you on the ground, Hu-Dad?

We are nearing post number 5,000 which is awesome, but it’s hard to find new stories to tell after we’ve told so many. Hu-Dad tried to mix things up by lying on the ground to take photos, but that seemed a wee bit curious to Frankie Suave.

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  1. Pat and Rambo on May 21, 2023 at 2:32 pm

    Sweet Frankie, always the gentledog making sure his Hu-Dad is okay on the ground. He is special.

  2. Juno's mom on May 21, 2023 at 12:12 pm

    Your boy has always been watching over you. What a love.

  3. Rachel on May 21, 2023 at 12:05 pm

    Congratulations on 5000!

  4. HokiePack on May 21, 2023 at 8:42 am

    Sweet Frankie ! Making sure Hu-dad is ok !!
    I enjoy the pics just as much as the stories. Congrats on 5,000!!!

  5. Debbie & Miss Ruby on May 21, 2023 at 8:06 am

    Poor Frankie thought his Hu-Dad had fallen and could not get up..

    • Joe ( aka Aurora's dad) on May 21, 2023 at 10:03 am

      Always have to make sure the humans in their care are okay. It’s a Husky thing! When our Zoey was with us, if she caught me laying on the floor, or bed, or the couch, she would walk ove, sniff me and lay down next to me and take a nap. Aurora on the other hand, thinks that if I’m laying on the floor, it’s an invitation to wrestle!

  6. JEAN BURKHARDT on May 21, 2023 at 7:45 am

    Hu-Dad I can just SEE that where Frankie comes over to say “WHY are you laying on the ground Hu-Dad? That’s our job”!

    5000 POSTS!!!!

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