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Frankie Suave knows how to layer on the charm, but the head tilt as he’s waiting for the human to open the door is almost too much.
Frankie’s nickname, Mr. Suave, comes from his calm demeanor, his unflappable ways (well, except for thunder), and his incredible knack for finding ways to get the humans to do his bidding. Hu-Dad wasn’t quite moving fast enough to open the door and let Frankie escape back to his comfy, warm bed, so he threw in the head tilt for emphasis. Yes, it worked.
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Hurricane Hugo Memories
September 21, 2024
Thirty-five years ago, a massive storm hammered our region and left a path of destruction, leaving us with Hurricane Hugo memories.
Sometimes it seems like we can’t respond to their desires quickly enough.
Brown eyes or blue, when they give “that look”, it’s so easy to give in!!
Debbie & Miss Ruby-I totally agree-the head tilt cannot be ignored. I give in all the time!