Suave Brown Eyes

Frankie maintains his low-key approach, but he utilizes the suave brown eyes whenever he expects the humans to do something.

You will do my bidding - suave brown eyes
You will do my bidding

We call him Frankie Suave because of calm, cool demeanor around Chez Herd, but don’t ever think he doesn’t know how to get his way. With that head tilt and the pool of brown eyes, he deploys his secret weapons to make the humans melt. Don’t worry, they did.

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  1. Juno's mom on November 13, 2022 at 10:59 am

    Eons of the human/dog relationship have given dogs the power to schmooze us to their will. They’re so good at it. Frankie’s a pro.

  2. Debbie & Miss Ruby on November 13, 2022 at 9:27 am

    He looks so sweet and innocent.. I would give him a big hug.

  3. Jean Burkhardt on November 13, 2022 at 7:26 am

    Of course you bent to the will of those suave brown eyes and the head tilt. I cannot deny those things either from our dogs.

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