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When Hu-Dad spied Typhoon near the roses, a sixth scent suggested this wasn’t a stop and smell the flowers moment.
Today’s story is a great example of how Hu-Dad unfairly judges a Little Prince’s intentions simply because of a little historical pattern. After all, His Royal Highness argued, he merely planned to sniff the roses and savor their smells. Watering them was absolutely, positively not in the plans. What do you think, Dear Readers?
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Hurricane Hugo Memories
September 21, 2024
Thirty-five years ago, a massive storm hammered our region and left a path of destruction, leaving us with Hurricane Hugo memories.
It’s the Herd’s version of a Yelp rating system.
Ty I think those roses really want new water not the used variety. LOL!! Grab the big hose????
They do look a little parched!! Better get the hose out Typhoon to keep Hu-Dad happy.
Uh oh Typhoon Phooey. I have to agree with Hu-Dad because you are looking a little suspicious ?. Maybe thinking of watering those roses? I hope not.