Pre-Tropical Mess Games

With crazy amounts of rain from Ian soaking us for the next two days, we needed some pre-tropical mess games in the yard.

You expect me to act silly in front of the camera? - pre-tropical mess games
You expect me to act silly in front of the camera?

By the time Ian reaches us here in Asheville, it will no longer be a hurricane, but we expect several inches of rain over the next two days. We decided to enjoy a quiet, sunny evening in the yard. Typhoon celebrated with a nice roll in the grass. Normally, he would forbid such un-royal photos, but he figured we all needed the entertainment.

A royal squirm and wiggle
Followed by the royal flop
We shall never discuss this again.

P.S. – Good thoughts for everyone who has been in the path of this monster storm. We hope you are well and safe.


  1. Sea Wolf on September 30, 2022 at 6:01 pm

    Back scratchies. Too bad he won’t let you do it.

  2. Susan on September 30, 2022 at 12:57 pm

    Thank goodness y’all moved inland!

  3. HokiePack on September 30, 2022 at 12:46 pm

    Too cute! I see some Pluck Pluck Ty! Be careful Hu-dad will be brushing you soon! Stay safe everyone!

  4. Juno's mom on September 30, 2022 at 10:55 am

    The lighter side of Typhoon. He tried to keep it a secret.

  5. JEAN BURKHARDT on September 30, 2022 at 6:26 am

    TOO funny-sorry Typhoon but know these pictures of very few and far in between!! Love them.

    I have family in Florida and thank God they are all fine. In Delaware we may get some of that rain but we’ll see. Stay safe all!

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