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Our walk yesterday hit an unexpected delay when Roscoe insisted he was calling timeout for a very important reason.
We aim for a quite rigorous pace on our twice-daily walks. Other than the requisite bathroom breaks and pausing for other humans to fawn over us, we don’t stop. Imagine our surprise when we found Roscoe calling timeout and planting himself quite firmly on the ground. Two squabbling squirrels scrabbled across a tree branch, making quite a ruckus. Roscoe, more accustomed to making a ruckus than witnessing one, refused to miss a minute of the show.
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Wings of Doom
December 12, 2024
A simple nightly routine with my dogs led me to face the wings of doom, a hideous creature that lurks in the shadows of my yard.
It looks entertaining to watch him being entertained. He was hyper-focused.
They are fun to watch but better if they fall..
Hahaha! That’s a funny thought…
good time to kiss that nose in the air!!
Hu-Dad-you cannot blame Roscoe P for calling a Time-Out to watch those squirrels walk across the branch. One COULD fall and oh boy what fun!!!!