Topsy-Turvy Talent

Landon (Boom-Boom) is a canine of many skills, but this topsy-turvy singing talent sounds crazy even for the fuzziest boy.

Can't stop the song - topsy-turvy talent
Can’t stop the song

Believe it or not, Landon isn’t even the first canine at Chez Herd who sings upside down. Miss Cheoah “Cheesewhiz” could break into song lying on her back while getting her belly rubbed. When song time breaks out, vocal skills are needed, no matter what the topsy-turvy talent.


  1. Juno's mom on May 5, 2022 at 9:32 pm

    The shot of Landon reminds me of how cat-like huskies can be.

    (My late comment is due to internet outage, boooo.)

  2. tammyj on May 5, 2022 at 11:12 am

    oh I wish you had sound with your posts! I’ve wished that for a long time Hu Dad!
    maybe someday? XOXO

  3. Jean Burkhardt on May 5, 2022 at 7:12 am

    Our boy used to do the upside down thing BUT never broke into song while getting his belly rubbed!!! I would LOVE to see a video of that Hu-Dad!!!!!

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