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Our skeptical Little Prince seems to doubt Hu-Dad’s assertion that absolutely nothing is happening inside while the two of them sit outside.
In case you think His Royal Highness Little Prince Typhoon Phooey isn’t buying what Hu-Dad is selling, let’s explain. True, poor Typhoon’s digestive system reacts poorly to many tasty treats, so he doesn’t get everything his brothers get. And, true, they shouldn’t be deprived of things just because he can’t have them. But, Hu-Dad swears that has nothing to do with why the others are inside the house while Hu-Dad and Typhoon enjoy some private outdoor time. No, Hu-Dad just wants some quality time with the Little Curmudgeon, who might be something of a skeptical Little Prince.
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Hurricane Hugo Memories
September 21, 2024
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What a lovely close-up of the Prince. Although he looks annoyed! Poor dude and his belly issues ?
Poor Ty. I think he’s figured it out. Maybe treat breath? (He just looks really smart.)
you’re a Wonderful hu dad! quality time is so important.
and hard to get when you’re in a crowd! XO
Quality time with Hu-Dad is much better than treats.
Hu-Dad-I am not sure you are telling The Little Prince the whole truth about those treats he cannot have!! BUT even IF the others are inside getting those forbidden treats-he IS getting some private and quality time with you and that’s wonderful!!!