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A favorite game around Chez Herd is the sneak attack on a sibling. Another favorite game is to suggest the attacker think twice before launching.
Fun and games around Chez Herd never stop, though sometimes one participant is in a more playful spirit than another. For example, a younger sibling who decides to launch a stealthy attack might find the recipient is in a less than receptive mood. At that point, the older sibling might suggest the wisdom of age advises to think twice.
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Wings of Doom
December 12, 2024
A simple nightly routine with my dogs led me to face the wings of doom, a hideous creature that lurks in the shadows of my yard.
The head tilt from Typhoon to Roscoe says it all!!??
Perfect shot Hu-Dad! Ty is the master of expression.
Live and learn is not in the Husky vocabulary!! Love that LOOK..
So Hu-Dad-DID Roscoe P reconsider his attack on the Little Prince? To watch them must be a real show in itself!
Reconsider? Never. The petulance of youth.