Target Acquired

Though a step or two slower than his younger days, our resident hunter focuses in on movement. Target acquired. But did he succeed?

The focused hunter - target acquired
The focused hunter

In his younger and speedier days, Typhoon hunted with amazing success. He caught many creatures, but his favorite was the speediest. Any rabbit foolish enough to sample the grass inside our fence quickly found himself being chased. The Little Prince zigged and zagged, outmaneuvering so many bunnies we lost count.

Much to his dismay, his prey is forewarned by Hu-Dad before the mighty hunter enters the yard. Imagine his excitement when he eyed movement in the yard. Visions of exploits past flashed through His Highness’s mind as he zeroed in on a target in the yard yesterday. His form was impeccable, but, alas, the distance was too great and his prey slipped through the fence to safety. The Little Curmudgeon had to settle for a human prepared dinner instead.


  1. Patty I Markiewicz on November 13, 2021 at 6:32 pm

    Poor Typhoon! It sucks getting older. I know our Zappa is thinking the same thing!

  2. Jean Burkhardt on November 13, 2021 at 7:05 am

    Yes our boy Bradley has the same problems these days. His MIND wants to catch his prey BUT his body won’t cooperate. I LOVE seeing Typhoon’s intense look and body stance as he WAITS to attack! I’m sure the Little Prince enjoyed his human prepared meal though!

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