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Just try to go for a quiet walk in the yard when your bestest pal ever always finds a way to join you saying “Fancy running into you here.”
For years, Typhoon thrilled in his role as the younger pest always stirring things up in the yard. As he approaches his eighth anniversary living at Chez Herd, he’s beginning to appreciate the quieter moments. He also appreciates having a bestest brother to hang out with, even if Roscoe P. sometimes is a wee bit closer than the Little Prince would prefer. Don’t worry, though, because the wrestling match started just seconds later.
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Hurricane Hugo Memories
September 21, 2024
Thirty-five years ago, a massive storm hammered our region and left a path of destruction, leaving us with Hurricane Hugo memories.
It looks like they love each other’s energy. Great pairing.
They look so cute together!!
It’s so great that the 2 brothers have such a close relationship!!! Maybe sometimes TOO close-lol. Roscoe P keeps the Little Prince active.