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Hu-Dad noticed the double trouble brothers plotting mischief again, but they claim their innocence and protest the unfair accusation.
Hu-Dad’s suspicions grew when the double trouble brothers met in the backyard and whispered between each other. Hu-Dad suggested they might try behaving for the rest of the day just for the fun of it, but Typhoon has long claimed bad boys have more fun. As for Roscoe, whatever his bestest buddy is doing is what he wants to be doing. Mischief will begin soon.
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Wings of Doom
December 12, 2024
A simple nightly routine with my dogs led me to face the wings of doom, a hideous creature that lurks in the shadows of my yard.
It’s the old saying Hu-Dad Boys will always be Boys!
The ever entertaining duo at work. ;-D
no worries Hu Dad! TRY to relax…
and let the mischief begin!!! XOXO
Now Hu-Dad-It must be difficult NOT to accuse these two boys of mischief making!!!!
How could these 2 cuties ever do anything wrong!!