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Roscoe paused on his run down to the yard to enjoy a good sniff of the fresh morning air—and sniffed and sniffed.
We left the bedroom for our first run of the day down the steps to the dog yard, but Hu-Dad realized he was one short during nose count. Some puppy was stalled on the upper deck enjoying the many scents coming off the salt marsh.
For anyone who thinks those first two photos are duplicates of each other, we suggest you check the tail. Yes, the air was particularly interesting and somepup had to take a while before he said he was ready.
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Hurricane Hugo Memories
September 21, 2024
Thirty-five years ago, a massive storm hammered our region and left a path of destruction, leaving us with Hurricane Hugo memories.
could these wonderful posts get any better? !!!
they just always make my heart SMILE! and it’s not even morning.
so I love this herd of furry loves any time of day! xoxo
Was there something interesting in the marsh or was a neighbor cooking bacon!!
Oh Roscoe-you must have sniffed out something REALLY great to stop you on the way to the yard!!! Look at that face.