Frankie’s Outdoor Cave

Frankie is a big believer of quiet, secure places for naps, especially with little brothers around, so here is his outdoor cave.

Frankie's outdoor cave
Frankie’s outdoor cave

When you have several, obnoxious, younger siblings, you need to find quiet places. Frankie has several of them. He loves his crate and will spend hours in there, door opened or closed. He also sprawls on the welcome mat on the deck where he can enjoy the marsh breezes and smells. In the mornings, he checks out his prime outdoor cave.

Do I have to go out there?
Do I have to go out there?

This big bush beside the chimney provides perfect protection from wind and weather and—most importantly—from siblings. He checks to make sure the coast is clear before venturing in the yard.

No siblings in sight. Time to go.
No siblings in sight. Time to go.


  1. The Oceanside Animals on October 24, 2020 at 6:43 pm

    Lulu: “I have a cave like that too! It is in the ivy that grows all over the dead almond tree. It requires a lot of maintenance, but it’s SO worth it!”

  2. tammy j on October 21, 2020 at 6:16 am

    I love this. xo

  3. HokiePack on October 20, 2020 at 8:17 am

    Aw cute Frankie! I feel the same with 5 Huskies, 2 cats and working from home I need a spot to hide !!!
    HokiePack Mom ?

  4. Jean Burkhardt on October 20, 2020 at 7:27 am

    AAWW Frankie-I know you need some space and quiet from your brothers!! I am glad you found some places to escape!!!

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