A Royal Wriggle

What better way to celebrate a series of cool, rain-free, autumn days than a royal wriggle in the thick grass?

A royal wriggle by the Little Prince
A royal wriggle by the Little Prince

Our resident curmudgeon likes to put on airs of his grumbly nature, but the reality is that he likes to let loose and be full-on canine when the mood hits him. This is, of course, best done when the Hu-Dad is calling him to come inside and he needs a delaying tactic.

Way too nice to come inside right now, Hu-Dad
Way too nice to come inside right now, Hu-Dad

At moments like this, Hu-Dad knows the best response is to grab the camera and capture the images to share. And sometimes, you get the great expressions that are too good.

The photo the Little Prince wish was never taken
The photo the Little Prince wish was never taken

At just the moment when you make the worst face imaginable, you hear the camera click and know you are not alone. The best defense at that moment is to deny everything.

Me? No, I'm too royal to wriggle in the grass
Me? No, I’m too royal to wriggle in the grass


  1. Patty Markiewicz on October 7, 2020 at 10:16 pm

    That face! He was feeling pretty good about then. Good catch Hu-dad

  2. HokiePack on October 7, 2020 at 11:53 am

    Finally a view of the prince’s belly, belly, belly!!! And what a pretty belly it is !! A Royal belly for sure!!

  3. Juno's mom on October 7, 2020 at 9:59 am

    Typhoon never disappoints when it comes to entertainment.

  4. Jean Burkhardt on October 7, 2020 at 7:42 am

    SSHH Little Prince-I won’t tell either(BUT love the pictures Hu-Dad took-lol)

    • Laura Yager on October 7, 2020 at 9:57 am

      Typhoon rolling in the grass? Who’d of thought?? I think it’s perfect. Underneath that Royal persona is a true Husky. Love seeing it. Better tell his Highness that nothing was published!

  5. tammy j on October 7, 2020 at 7:39 am

    LOL!!! good morning you little Royal Wriggler.
    I’ll never tell. xo

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