Typhoon Counts And Complains

Typhoon proved his mathematical skills yesterday as he counts and complains at Hu-Dad’s demands.

These humans think I can't count.
These humans think I can’t count.

Typhoon went to the vet on Wednesday to check on his long-term digestive issues. We decided to add a simple antacid (famotidine which is commonly sold as Pepcid-AC) to his regime. During testing, though, we also discovered our curmudgeon has an urinary tract infection, so we added a medication to treat that as well.

I can't believe you share all that, Hu-Dad.
I can’t believe you share all that, Hu-Dad.

Every morning, Hu-Dad sits in the floor and gives Typhoon his three medicines. Some days, Typhoon is cooperative and some days he resists, but every, single day for years, he has taken three pills. Except yesterday he got five.

After the third pill, he started to walk away but Hu-Dad said he had to take another. He (Typhoon, that is) snorted, sighed, and relented. But when told he had to take a fifth pill, he stomped his feety-feet, shook his head, and clamped his mouth shut.

We assume the Siberian Union Reps have been notified of this horrible injustice.

Why don't they treat me like proper royalty?
Why don’t they treat me like proper royalty?

P.S.—Today’s photos come from under Hu-Dad’s desk which is where Typhoon spent his day grumbling about the mistreatment.


  1. chris on September 20, 2020 at 5:50 pm

    Maybe the sour face is because antibiotics can cause stomach upset including for canines. Hu-dad should check out Dogs Naturally magazine and all the wonderful dog info they have on their website.

  2. tammy j on September 20, 2020 at 6:28 am

    I used to make a tiny ball of raw hamburger around the pill.
    Zeke just swallowed it quickly. it worked! I never could get it down his throat any other way. less traumatic for both of us!

  3. KJ Pierson on September 20, 2020 at 1:10 am

    I think this requires extra treats for his highness.

  4. Nicole Tester on September 18, 2020 at 5:01 pm

    poor baby.

  5. Duane Donovan on September 18, 2020 at 2:20 pm

    And of course, we all remember from earlier this year, Typhoon has to take them the old fashioned way: Hand down the gullet 🙂

  6. Hokie Pack on September 18, 2020 at 11:49 am

    Oh my that face is conveying lots of annoyance with Hu-Dad and the Vet! I believe a formal complaint has been filed via the stomping of the feety-feet.
    Good luck Hu-Dad you are in so much trouble!!!

  7. Juno's mom on September 18, 2020 at 11:27 am

    Juno sends her sympathy. At 16.5, she’s on five, all supplements, but pills none the less. And organic roasted turkey slices ARE a bonus.

  8. Jean B Burkhardt on September 18, 2020 at 8:39 am

    I know it’s isn’t nice to laugh at your PILL issues Typhoon BUT the way Hu-Dad described your actions and staying under the desk really made me laugh(SORRY)! I have mentioned this before but we had a dog named Casey who was IMPOSSIBLE to give pills. I can understand you don’t like medications Typhoon BUT you need them to feel better! Have a nice weekend all!

  9. Don Davis on September 18, 2020 at 5:31 am

    “I must have those extra pills wrapped in sliced turkey breast, PLEASE!”

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