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Typhoon demonstrates to his younger brother, Roscoe, how siblings go about sharing guard duty (or any other task).
What older sibling has ever taken advantage of a younger sibling when it comes to chores? Oh, wait, every single one that has ever existed. Typhoon is no exception.
The smartest older siblings keep the games quiet so the younger one will continue to fall for the tricks.
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Wings of Doom
December 12, 2024
A simple nightly routine with my dogs led me to face the wings of doom, a hideous creature that lurks in the shadows of my yard.
I miss our favorite female security chief!
Our 2 rescue Huskies do the same thing. One watching toward the East while the other checks westward. Always makes you smile!
Those two are precious together.
Typhoon sure knows how to enjoy the beautiful lawn and sun..
I laughed right out loud. thanks Hu Dad!
and have to share… my good friend’s chemo is WORKING!
that makes it a little easier to laugh these days for sure.
she lives in Illinois and has 4 rescues herself and such a caring heart!
blogs like yours are worth their weight in gold to so many of us.
Tammy J-how wonderful to hear good news about your friend. People like the Hu-Dad and your friend who rescue dogs are wonderful! I have always kept that motto-“adopt don’t shop” for my dogs! I too laughed out loud at the post!!
thank you Jean! your own cheerful comments are always soul-good too! it’s a nice little community here at Hu Dad’s. 🙂
Such awesome news! Wish your friend all of our best!