Not A Race To The Top

Today’s photo essay is an explanation of the challenges Hu-Dad faces capturing usable photos of us every day in our race to the top.

Our normal story structure is an introductory sentence followed by a photo, then a paragraph, photo, paragraph, and closing photo (usually with a punchline to make you laugh). But we’re Siberian Huskies. We aren’t predictable. We don’t like routine.

And that’s today’s point.

Hu-Dad’s job is to capture three or four photographs a day of us to share with you. It sounds simple enough, but he says we don’t always cooperate. For example, yesterday morning, he sat on the steps coming up from the yard to capture images of Landon doing his jumping and leaping in his race to the top. He set his camera to fire at the fastest possible speed hoping to catch 2 or 3 non-blurry images.

So, of course, Landon didn’t race.

Enjoy today’s photos. (Noteā€”You can click on a photo to start a slideshow. That might help with today’s story.)

The first clue this wasn't going as plannedā€”Landon found something interesting to sniff on the very first step,
The first clue this wasn’t going as plannedā€”Landon found something interesting to sniff on the very first step.
About a dozen photos have been taken before Landon takes his first steps up.
About a dozen photos have been taken before Landon takes his first steps up.
Eight photos later. Two more steps. Not the first problem with a blurred image.
Eight photos later. Two more steps. Not the first problem with a blurred image.
The look Hu-Dad gets when he suggest Landon might want to speed things up.
The look Hu-Dad gets when he suggest Landon might want to speed things up.

So, yes, we have about a hundred photos of Landon’s “race” to the top.


  1. Kenneth J Pierson on August 18, 2020 at 4:13 pm

    A Siberian husky is never late, never early….it arrives precisely when it is supposed to, which is when it damn well wants to…just like wizards.

  2. chris on August 18, 2020 at 12:40 pm

    That is why when my husband asks why I take so many pics of the dogs I explain that only 2 or 3 will capture what I am trying to capture. Of course I don’t delete any I take unless bleary (just a superstition on my part I think).

  3. tammy j on August 18, 2020 at 12:03 pm

    Karen said it best …
    “they’re frustratingly awesome!”
    but then I’ve never met a dog who wasn’t.
    I just LOVE THEM ALL!!!
    thanks for your patience and creative abilities Hu Dad! XO

  4. Karen on August 18, 2020 at 11:17 am

    Huskies are so frustratingly awesome!!

  5. Cheryl Seybert on August 18, 2020 at 10:25 am

    I think there is some Husky DNA in my corgi. It would explain so much!! She will turn into a stone statue if I want her to go one way and she has decided not going that way. My thought are with you Hu- Dad you have the patience of a Saint!!!?

  6. Jean Burkhardt on August 18, 2020 at 9:29 am

    Oh Hu-Dad what a LOT of work to just get Landon from bottom to top of steps! WHEW!!! You must have a ton of patience!

  7. Debbie & Ruby on August 18, 2020 at 9:08 am

    Just another fun day in the life of living with Huskies!!

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