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We’ve shared photos of us entering the yard and exiting the yard—how about us leaving the house? Let’s call this our exit claws post.
Yesterday at lunch, Hu-Dad opened the door for all of to take our mid-day yard break. We filed out as he took photographs in a great plan to get exit claws photos.
Even with Roscoe’s tongue dangling exit, you probably think the whole photo session went well. At this point, so did Hu-Dad.
What the Hu-Dad didn’t expect is the best behaved, most mature member of The Herd might do the unexpected. Let’s just say Landon didn’t get his starring moment.
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Wings of Doom
December 12, 2024
A simple nightly routine with my dogs led me to face the wings of doom, a hideous creature that lurks in the shadows of my yard.
My goodness Frankie! What got into you?
Great pictures! True love.
Love it! Do they usually come out in a particular order?
Awwwwwww!!! Precious Frankie ????
The look of love.
LOL! the little prince has been upstaged by JOY!
way to go Frankie! xoxo
Hu-Dad-did you REALLY think the whole herd would exit the way you wanted-?lol. I love Roscoe’s tongue too.
El Senor golden eyes divine!