View From The Top

We enjoy watching all of the wildlife around us, but the view from the top offers the best unobstructed look at everything.

I can't see over those bushes.
I can’t see over those bushes.

From the simple squirrels in the front yard to all of the amazing birds in the salt marsh behind us, we have plenty of things to watch. But we can have a hard time seeing everything from ground level.

I beat you up the steps, Hu-Dad.
I beat you up the steps, Hu-Dad.

But we can go up two flights of steps to the upper deck and the view is amazing. We can see everything from up there.

And the breeze feels good too.
And the breeze feels good too.

Don’t worry, though, we can always find something to complain about. It didn’t take Boom Boom long.

The sun is too bright up here.
The sun is too bright up here.


  1. Susan on July 2, 2020 at 11:12 pm

    Uh, Boom-Boom, I hesitate to bring up such a delicate subject…but you’re looking a bit…hairy…

  2. Debbie and Ruby on July 2, 2020 at 8:58 am

    Boom Boom you need Hu-Dad to get you some sungoggles!!

  3. Jean Burkhardt on July 2, 2020 at 8:21 am

    AAWW Boom Boom-you are TOO funny. I know you like to complain to Hu-Dad but he knows you are a very silly boy!

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