Frankie Suave Weekend Plans

Happy Friday, readers. Frankie Suave has weekend plans we expect many of you share (and he is certainly anticipating with a smile).

Frankie Suave is excited for the weekend.
Frankie Suave is excited for the weekend.

As the senior resident of The Herd, Frankie Suave has the most practical expectations. The youngsters, Landon and Roscoe, always believe an adventure is around the corner. Typhoon assumes the world will revolve around his wishes. But Frankie has more realistic assumptions.

Watching the sunset over the marsh.
Watching the sunset over the marsh.

He knows we will take twice-daily walks of several miles, have scrumptious meals, and sprawl in the Hu-Dad’s bed overnight. But what special thing does he want?

Seriously? You have to ask?
Seriously? You have to ask?

At some point, you realize adventure is nice, but nice, cool air conditioning is all you really need in the summer.

Enough photos. Let's go into the cool air.
Enough photos. Let’s go into the cool air.


  1. Laura YAGER on June 28, 2020 at 3:01 pm

    I agree Frankie! Give me cool air, a fan and my Fluffy butts curled up next to me! Summer. Bliss. Hope your weekend is full of breezes and air conditioning!

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