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For some mystifying reason, Hu-Dad always suspects Typhoon and Roscoe are up to mischief, but they claim to have only innocent plans.
The thick as thieves brothers wonder why Hu-Dad suggests they might be mischief-makers. Can’t you take a look at these sweet faces and know that no delinquency is hidden within?
And, no, of course the faces wouldn’t change at all if they thought the Hu-Dad had turned his back.
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Wings of Doom
December 12, 2024
A simple nightly routine with my dogs led me to face the wings of doom, a hideous creature that lurks in the shadows of my yard.
Give up on trying to fool the Hu-Ddad, guys. He’s a well-trained and experienced Sibe servant.
they give me energy just looking at those grinning faces!
Huskies aren’t very good at hiding their intent. Little monkeys! ;-))
Thick as thieves and happy as larks ????????????????????
Brothers in arms against the humans!!
Their eyes tell the truth!
I hope the brothers get lots of treats for all the entertainment they provide ????