Sort Of Security

An interloper came near our house and the defense team responded
though Landon might fall in the sort of security department with his fluffiness.

Landon and Frankie on guard duty.
Landon and Frankie on guard duty.

We have a vacant lot beside us for sale which results in the periodic person wandering through. Our guards go on high alert, though Landon’s fluffiness makes him more cute than threatening.

I hear the snickers from the audience as I try to look tough.
I hear the snickers from the audience as I try to look tough.

When threatened, Landon often squeaks and squawks in a range of higher pitched noises. During this stretch, he did his best to use his gruff voice and look intimidating.

I am Boom Boom. Hear me roar.
I am Boom Boom. Hear me roar.

Hu-Dad was impressed. Well, almost impressed. Then a heron croaked as it flew over the marsh and the boys forgot the human threat out front.

The sort of security team got distracted by a bird.
The sort of security team got distracted by a bird.


  1. Cheryl Seybert on June 23, 2020 at 5:03 pm

    Landon looks like he was trying to “fluff up” to look bigger & scarier to the intruders!! Birds don’t count he’s already bigger than they are!!

  2. chris on June 23, 2020 at 11:43 am

    That is why we live in the country away from everyone. I will never move in next to land that can be developed or bought because you never know who you might get as a neighbor and I have enough grumpy neighbors and neighbors who do not care as it is.

  3. Debbie and Ruby on June 23, 2020 at 10:08 am

    Always something to keep their interest. No rest for the weary.

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