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A certain Little Prince was caught sneaking up on the Hu-Dad’s refreshments on the deck last night. His defense? It’s five o’clock somewhere.
Hu-Dad enjoys spending some quiet time on the deck each evening with an appropriate refreshment. Well, as quiet as a house full of Siberian Huskies ever can be. As His Highness Little Prince Typhoon Phooey proves, Hu-Dad can never relax too much.
After trying the “it’s five o’clock somewhere” defense, Typhoon switched to much more reliable tactic—blaming someone else.
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Wings of Doom
December 12, 2024
A simple nightly routine with my dogs led me to face the wings of doom, a hideous creature that lurks in the shadows of my yard.
What a valiant protector-of-the-adult-beverage-glasses you are Sir Phooey!!!!
Such a good boy…protecting the “goods”
Ya know- you can not ever trust those pesky squirrels! He is a true prince????
But Hu-Dad, I thought that smaller glass was for me!! Perfect size for a Husky.
Prince Typhoon Phooey really is a silly boy.I wonder if prefers red or white wine??? LOL
Beside the fact that I can’t get Son o f a Sailor out of my head now, I’m on his Haughtiness’s side. He’s sniffing the wine…being the expert. Don’t be surprised if you catch him swirling the glass!
That face!!!
LOL! it’s feels so good to start the day with a hearty laugh. thank you Hu Dad!