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Some of us might struggle with Hu-Dad’s request to spend some quiet time on the deck enjoying the peaceful evening of the marsh.
Hu-Dad settled into his chair on the deck with a glass of wine in his hand. He wanted to savor the sunset over the salt marsh as the birds nested for the evening. Unfortunately for the Hu-Dad, not everyone shared the peaceful goal.
After several minutes of wooing, barking, scrabbling of paws, and other ruckus, Hu-Dad suggested the rabble rousers calm things down just a hair. The looks of innocence were classic.
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Hurricane Hugo Memories
September 21, 2024
Thirty-five years ago, a massive storm hammered our region and left a path of destruction, leaving us with Hurricane Hugo memories.
We like quiet time….said NO husky ever!!! ????????
Typhoon and Roscoe you two are just too funny. We love the look you were giving Hu-Dad like we were being quiet weren’t we. Thanks for sharing this wonderful post. Have a pawsome rest of your day.
Ahhh! We are innocent! Time’s up! Where were we…..
Enjoy the sunset the best you can!
LOL!!! and now…
back to that ‘quiet’ glass of wine.
good luck with that Hu Dad! xo
Looking pretty pleased with themselves. Cuties!
Us ? We are not doing nothing!! Lol Great picture of innocence!!!
Hu-Dad you have a wonderful way of capturing those VERY innocent faces of Typhoon and Roscoe! I wonder what’s REALLY going in those minds of theirs??