Running Into A Brother

When you live in a big family, the odds of running into a brother is quite high. In poor Typhoon’s case, we mean that quite literally.

Where is he? He's around here somewhere.
Where is he? He’s around here somewhere.

Alone time is a precious commodity when you live in a large family of siblings. Even when you find you have a moment without anyone around, you know the time is short before the noise grows.

I know he's close.
I know he’s close.

Thus the way it is for Typhoon. Mr. Touch-Me-Not allows only one other close to him, but even he knows that running into your brother can cramp your style.

Oof. Typhoon running into his brother Roscoe. Literally.
Oof. Typhoon running into his brother Roscoe. Literally.


  1. Juno's mom on February 27, 2020 at 9:09 am

    Looks like the classic alpha/omega relationship. Good balance. They are a cute pair.

  2. Jean Burkhardt on February 27, 2020 at 7:48 am

    I just LOVE that Typhoon lets Roscoe touch him-literally!! I hope no ouchies were from the run in!!

  3. Terry+Rory on February 27, 2020 at 6:11 am

    Hahaha! So FUNNY!
    As someone who grew up with 6 siblings( including a TWIN!) I can understand Typhoon’s situation;)
    …On the GREAT side of that is ALWAYS having your own “pack”
    to support you in times of need!!
    Miss Rory gets to be “an only child”
    ^••^ (with lots of “aunt’s+uncles!!”

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