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Surrounded with the antics of his little brothers, Frankie is Mr. Suave under pressure in the same way he is suave about everything else.
Mr. Frankie Suave is known for his calm demeanor in the face of nearly everything (except thunder – that’s evil). His little brothers can be causing major chaos, and the Frankster maintains his cool.
Now some of you are expecting a third photograph with Landon pouncing on his big brother, but Boom Boom knows better. No chaos was created during this story.
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Wings of Doom
December 12, 2024
A simple nightly routine with my dogs led me to face the wings of doom, a hideous creature that lurks in the shadows of my yard.
Good boy Boom Boom! Frankie has taught you well!!
Hi, Great pics (as usual) !
I have a special question/concern I was wondering if you could address;
My Wonder Sibe (Rory) will be 10 years old in April(4 days before my 60th!!) She had knee surgery (TPLO) on her right leg in March 2018…
Now she is very lame on her left leg.Its been coming on for the last few months:(
I am so heartbroken over this.
She recovered very well from the original surgery,even though it was very difficult for both of us to get through:(
I am lucky to have have a wonderful sister who is willing to help me out with the cost.My question is- am I doing the right thing for my girl?
It’s a lot for her to go through,but I LOVE HER SO MUCH and she came to me just when I needed her the most(after my husband’s sudden death,10 years ago!) She is my Special Angel,sent from up above!
I Love her with my whole heart and I want to do what is right for her!!!
I know you have had experience with your Huskies needing knee surgery…have any of the hem needed BOTH knees done???
Thank you:)
We have been very fortunate that none of the Herd have ever needed a double TPLO, so we can’t answer the specifics of that. We can only suggest that you find a good doctor you can trust and work through the options. We wish you the absolute best outcome possible, whatever the choice.
Thank you for your help+co concern. I do have an excellent surgeon…he did her first surgery.
l am going forward with the consult for 2nd knee repair + hoping + praying that all goes well!
That’s the best we all can do!
Thank you for your quick response+ support!
Landon is hilarious! Frankie reminds me of The Fonz…I can see him with his little black comb!????
Respecting ones elders. Animals do it right, (most of the time.)
is Frankie’s last name Sinatra? 😀 XO
Frankie looks like he is king of the yard and nobody bothers the king!
Good job Landon knowing NOT to jump on Frankie!!! It’s so funny that all the dogs have their own special Quirks-that make them all the more loveable!!