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You may have thought we meant to say “Happy New Year,” but we are celebrating something totally different when we say Happy New Fence!

We had hoped that our new fence would be our Christmas present, but Santa ended up delivering a week later. The fencing company finished their work on New Year’s Eve and we now have our brand new fencing in our yard.

We have had plenty of indoor games since moving to Chez Herd By The Sea, but the chance to have outdoor games is huge! We have romped and played endlessly since our new fencing has been complete.

Don’t worry. Everyone has had their outdoor opportunities to romp and play, but Hu-Dad decided to share photos of the most unlikely friendship, the curmudgeonly Typhoon with his best bud Roscoe. It’s good to see the Little Prince play with abandon.

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I notice that I think I can see the bottom of the fence. Did you opt to not bury it deep this time? Given the water table down there, I can see a reason not to, just curious for my own desire to employ the same setup here down the road
I’m sure they’re all happy to be leash free once again!
Exactly. Living at sea level creates some interesting differences and digging down is one of those issues. Dig guards (Fencing flat on the ground rather than buried) can be installed if necessary, so Hu-Dad is monitoring that.
Happy New Fence precious Sibes ????????????
Just curious: do you have a separate area for the senior pups like you did at the previous place? (NOT that I am calling a certain redhead a “senior”, nope, not at all!”
Yeah for no leashes. I know my dogs are so happy when there are no leashes.
Oh this is so wonderful. The fence is beautiful. Did you put it in to the same specifications? (I.e. buried, 10 ft tall)
Wonderful, let the games begin!!
How exciting! The kids must be elated. Is it an eight footer?
I am SO happy to see the playing without having the leashes attached. All the herd will so enjoy playtime even more now and so will Hu-Dad!! It’s been a long wait but it’s finally done! I LOVE your regal pose Typhoon-you are TRULY a prince. So now run and play with your brother Roscoe!!