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During our walk yesterday, Hu-Dad laughed and laughed. When we asked him what was so funny, he said it was our poor observation skills.
As we described in a recent post, we regularly walk by an oyster shell recycling center. Since we aren’t the only creatures intrigued by the smell (Hu-Dad says intrigued isn’t quite the right word for his own reaction to the odor created by a mountain of oyster shells left in the sun), we have had a few wildlife encounters. But we sure didn’t see any yesterday and that made the Hu-Dad laugh and laugh and laugh.
Hu-Dad also took lots of photos here before he laughed himself out and opted to take us home. We still don’t get the joke, but something sure made him laugh. Wonder what it was?
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Wings of Doom
December 12, 2024
A simple nightly routine with my dogs led me to face the wings of doom, a hideous creature that lurks in the shadows of my yard.
As opposed to the other story ” Middle aged man dragged into woods by his 4 Huskies” 🙂
Middle-aged? In dog year’s, our Hu-Dad is eleventy-seven bazillion years old…or something like that.
Better to get a good laugh in, than get pulled off your feet!! Never a dull moment in your life with a Husky.
THAT is SO funny-no wonder you laughed yourself silly Hu-Dad. That kitty sure put one over on the sibes! I agree-their observation skills leave a lot to be desired-lol I bet your stomach hurt with all that laughing???