Conspiracy Boys

Hu-Dad isn’t one to get nervous, but he might have been a wee bit suspicious when the conspiracy boys, Typhoon and Roscoe, were caught whispering.

Just a little whispering between the conspiracy boys.
Just a little whispering between the conspiracy boys.

Before Roscoe’s arrival within The Herd, Typhoon had always been something of a loner—wildly complaining about the injustices of the world but never particularly tight with others. Roscoe’s appearance, however, changed everything and the two boys can always be found planning out mischief.

Typhoon whispering back to Roscoe.
Typhoon whispering back to Roscoe.

The “thick as thieves” pals can always be found together, plotting and planning their next misadventure. Or just breaking out in sporadic games between themselves.

Ready? Set? Go!
Ready? Set? Go!


  1. Lori & Izzy Belle Bear on September 18, 2019 at 9:49 am

    It is such a beautiful thing to see these two boys hanging and playing together ????????

  2. HokiePack on September 18, 2019 at 7:20 am

    Love seeing these 2 together plotting and planning!!

  3. Jean B Burkhardt on September 18, 2019 at 7:05 am

    I absolutely LOVE that Roscoe became Typhoon’s best buddy! They look SO adorable together and although I KNOW they are planning some mischief-I am happy that they can be happy together!!! You really picked a great companion Hu-Dad!

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