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One advantage of being the lone girl in a family of brothers is that Miss Cheesy never goes anywhere without her security detail.
Being the only girl in a family may have lots of disadvantages, but one big strength is that your brothers are always looking out for you. Miss Cheesy can’t move without her brothers providing a protective wall around her.
Of course, as any celebrity knows, there is a big downside to a heavy security presence. You can’t do anything—and we mean anything—without their ever watchful gaze.
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Wings of Doom
December 12, 2024
A simple nightly routine with my dogs led me to face the wings of doom, a hideous creature that lurks in the shadows of my yard.
You know celebrities pay millions of dollars for this kind of security.. she gets it for free..
Thanks for the laugh!! Come on guys give the girl a break.
OMG this is hilarious!!! 🙂 I too appreciate the laugh! Sorry Cheese!
Too funny Hu-dad! Are zoomies out for the time being? You all must be exhausted from the move.
Yard time is heavily controlled until we get the fence secure which can’t really happen until the exterior work on the house is done, so we are getting lots of walks in.
Poor Cheesy, NO PRIVACY! But look at it this way sweetie , you are lucky enough to have your very loving brothers watching out for you❤
LoL..our Jack has to go on top of what everyone else does! U P I P!!!
LOLOL. good morning! and the perfect laugh to start my day. thank you!