The Unlikely Pals Pal Around

The most unlikely set of friends within The Herd—Roscoe and Typhoon—The pals pal around the yard for some evening entertainment.

Typhoon and Roscoe—the unlikely pals pal around the yard.
Typhoon and Roscoe—the unlikely pals pal around the yard.

Hu-Dad is continually amused at the growing friendship between Typhoon and Roscoe. The Little Prince has always been known as the grumpiest member of The Herd (well, after Queen Natasha the Evil who used her grumpiness to rule the Herd) and Roscoe was never tight with others at the rescue he lived at. And, yet, the two of them are thick as thieves (an appropriate description) around Chez Herd.

Don't go anywhere without me, big bro.
Don’t go anywhere without me, big bro.

The other day, Hu-Dad was attempting to have a conversation with Typhoon, but Roscoe was busy chewing on his ears. The mere image of Typhoon allowing another dog to just chew and play is stunning considering His Aloofness’ approach in life.

The Little Prince and his shadow (with Frankie Suave in the background)
The Little Prince and his shadow (with Frankie Suave in the background)


  1. Juno's mom on July 22, 2019 at 8:58 am

    They balance each other’s personalities nicely.

  2. Debbie and Ruby on July 22, 2019 at 7:34 am

    Friends are always nice when you least expect it.

  3. Jean B Burkhardt on July 22, 2019 at 6:56 am

    Hu-Dad-each time you post about the growing friendship of Typhoon and Roscoe-it warms my heart. I truly believe they were meant to find each other to be friends for life!!

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