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A single photo sums up today’s post—Sermon From The Pulpit Of The Tree Of Life—though the followup explanation and photos makes things clear.
Hu-Dad looked out the kitchen window and saw the scene above, a perfect photography moment. In fact, it’s one of his favorite photographs in a while. Doesn’t it look like Frankie is imparting words of wisdom to his younger and bouncier brother, Landon?
The real story behind the photograph is much more akin to the typical nature documentary of predator hunting their prey. You see, in the many branches of the Tree of Life, a pair of birds have built a nest and are raising a family. The youngsters have recently hatched from their eggs and are loudly crying for meals to be brought to them. And some opportunistic Siberian Huskies are waiting on the first day of flight training.
Pardon us, but Hu-Dad is going to be a little busy with distraction duty for the next few weeks.
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Wings of Doom
December 12, 2024
A simple nightly routine with my dogs led me to face the wings of doom, a hideous creature that lurks in the shadows of my yard.
Mom sez: Bird watching has become Ebby’s favourite past time lately, too. I like the “Sermon from the Pulpit” idea much better. If only Frankie was teaching “S.O.B.” as in, Save Our Birds!
I like the sermon from the pulpit photo. Too cute!
Tweets from the sky! A wondrous miracle. Mine would wish that too. Happy distracting.
oh Hu Dad! yes! great pictures. lol.
but even greater is that you’ll be on guard for those tiny fledglings learning to fly!
hope it goes without any sibe interference.
I once read something that has helped me…
‘ nature is harsh… not cruel. cruelty implies intent.’
they are only doing what comes naturally. but if it can be avoided … all the better!
I’d think it’s hard enough to be a bird in this world! 🙂
Love the picture. Good luck to the newborns.
Nature can be cruel-a few poor robins who nest in our trees have fallen prey to our boy before we could stop him. I wish you much luck Hu-Dad in keeping the Herd away from the birdies.