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When people ask to meet us when we are out on the trails, Roscoe is always happy to greet others, so imagine his surprise at his reluctant friend.
We each have different levels of comfort in meeting strangers. Typhoon, of course, rarely likes to be touched by people he knows, much less people he doesn’t. Landon is never sure who he will like. But Cheoah, Frankie, and Roscoe form our greeting committee. Roscoe turns on the charm and gladly accepts attention, so is surprised when others don’t share his enthusiasm. Imagine his shock when his new found friend refused to come any closer.
Sorry, Roscoe, it was nice of you to suggest a rousing game, but some just have a different opinion of a situation than you do.
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Hurricane Hugo Memories
September 21, 2024
Thirty-five years ago, a massive storm hammered our region and left a path of destruction, leaving us with Hurricane Hugo memories.
Charlee: “Squirrels. They always act all flirty, but they never really want to be friends.”
Chaplin: “Still, it’s fun to stare at them.”
Roscoe not all Squirrels are so unfriendly. We have Squirrels that like to play chase with our Huskies. They often lose when Bolt is playing…so far it’s Bolt 3, Squirrels 0. Let the Squirrels be rude in public…you can play with them at home. You’re sure to show them a “good time” ????
We have tree rats that keep coming on our back porch and stealing dog toys and rope. They have decorated the tree in the backyard with rope that they keep trying to get in their holes and failing. I have seen them run off with a tennis ball in their mouth also. In the fenced in part of the yard, they are far game (I let the dogs get them) but they seem to think the toys are worth the chase.
He’s just so darn cute!
Poor Roscoe!! Maybe the next tree rat will be willing to visit. Keep on trying.
my wonderful morning fix! better than caffeine! xoxo
I THINK your “new”friend Roscoe thinks you have ULTERIOR MOTIVES-lol. You wouldn’t to just have a game of “Chase the tree rat”-would you??