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“Get your goat” is one of those great phrases meaning to emotionally excite. Considering our camping neighbor this weekend, it’s perfect.
Surveys of RVers indicate that many people choose the lifestyle so they can travel with their pets. We have met pet birds, pigs, dogs, and cats, but this week added a new pet to our mix. And we were quite interested.
As camping neighbors go, this one was really terrific. Quiet, well-behaved, walked well on leash, and hung out in the campsite in a small pen. But our sniffers were certainly going whenever we walked past.
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Hurricane Hugo Memories
September 21, 2024
Thirty-five years ago, a massive storm hammered our region and left a path of destruction, leaving us with Hurricane Hugo memories.
Omg that is sooooo cute. A lot of people where we live have goat pets … but there is the debate do you want the screaming goats or the fainting goats
Either way Typhoon as often as we advocate for you.. no goats sugar sorry
So much fun to be had on those trips.
Been down with the flu-big time-missed my daily visits. LOVE the NEW type of pet the Herd has encountered! The coat is cute too BUT as Lori said-NONE cuter than CHEZ HERD!!!!
Awwww!!! A goat-dog! It’s adorable! But… not nearly as adorable as you all are ????