Celebration Chase Upon The Return Home

We had a great S-RV adventure, but were really happy to be home, too. And nothing says happy like a celebration chase around the yard.

Roscoe smiling...and not just about being home.
Roscoe smiling…and not just about being home.

We all had a terrific time on our latest S-RV adventure, but we always love coming back home. The party was loud and raucous as we laughed and played in the yard leading to the inevitable games of chase.

Not sure if Typhoon or Roscoe is having more fun in the celebration chase.
Not sure if Typhoon or Roscoe is having more fun in the celebration chase.

The fun part about chase is that it is fun to be the chaser and it’s fun to be the chasee. Either way, we were all smiles.

Look out, Roscoe, Typhoon is gaining on you.

Movie Memory Monday

Yes, Typhoon loves to instigate his brothers and this week’s Movie Memory Monday goes back to a much younger Typhoon pestering his big brother, Frankie—Typhoon Bed Time.

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  1. nicole tester on March 23, 2019 at 7:36 pm

    ???? i bet they love being without a leash and running wild in the backyard when they get home.

  2. S Deaver on March 18, 2019 at 7:42 pm

    Roscoe’s eye appear so golden in your pix today! Is he as good as gold?

  3. Jean B Burkhardt on March 18, 2019 at 5:50 am

    I so loved watching the video of big brother Frankie and the quite young Typhoon being silly and not wanting to go to sleep! Hard to be it was almost 5 1/2 years ago and Typhoon Phooey is STILL so rambunctious and Frankie is still the patient big brother! Keep those wonderful Monday movie memories coming Hu-Dad!

  4. Jean B Burkhardt on March 18, 2019 at 5:43 am

    Oh Typhoon and Roscoe-YOUR big smiles brought smiles to MY face this morning! What fun and no matter WHO is the chaser or the chasee-looks like such fun!

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