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Our Little Prince is well known for his ability to out-run and out-maneuver foolish rabbits in the yard, but his latest catch was surprising.
Typhoon’s hunting skills are astounding. Any rabbit dumb enough to sneak into the confines of Sibe Quentin will discover him hot on their heels, twisting and turning as fast as they can zig and zag. And, more often than not, he can outrun his prey and take it down. So when Hu-Dad glanced out the window and saw His Haughtiness happily munching away on something in the far corner of the yard, visions of taking the grisly prize away popped up. But, on closer inspection,…
With all of our rain and freezing temperatures, some large blocks of ice had formed. Typhoon acquired them and scattered them around the yard with the help of an accomplice. So, yes, that is Typhoon chewing on a giant chunk of ice and protecting it like the best prize ever.
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Hurricane Hugo Memories
September 21, 2024
Thirty-five years ago, a massive storm hammered our region and left a path of destruction, leaving us with Hurricane Hugo memories.
Those chunks have been known to move pretty fast.
The Herd grows mighty big ice chunks up there!!
Oh Typhoon-what a SILLY boy you are! Hu-Dad-I KNOW what you mean about grisly catches in their mouths! I am glad though that all it was a big ole piece of ice-err-I mean TWO!!!